A change will come about. It's inevitable.
When i left school, i was sure that it will. Though, not sure how? "..er..what change..?" So i just wrote, "That the faces we say 'Good Morning' to, will change..!"
S. When i first looked at you, didn't feel like looking at you twice. Didn't like canteen girls!
...but soaked in sweat, when we emerged from the BCR, it was the same face! gossiping. looking coy!
...to start talking..well it just happened..? or..did you make it happen? :-) Well, i don't know. i 'knew' it though..!
But for the second question to be.."/What's the difference between 'like' and 'love'..?/", the face really did have to matter! I looked on. Then I started getting involved.
With that coyish smile, you replied "..aa..well...i don't know..!"..."well..u asked me that?.....haha..ha ha ha...!!".../and you continued...
"There was this poem, you know,..."
"You are English Hons.?"
"You write?"
"I write a diary."
"So..what do you write?"
Blah. Blah. Blah.
S. i know you had lied that day! Excused though! :-)
Days passed in a frenzy of activities. Debates. Table-tennis. Carrom. Birthday parties. kaora... In the haze of it all, just one thing remained where i was always used to seeing it. And it would always seem to ask "are you free now?", though the poker-faced "i am free now" would already be conveyed by the stupid boy..!~ ;-)
You may say so. i will agree!
For, maturity is something that eludes every boy before a certain time. a certain age. before certain incidents actually take place in his life. before he's actually put on the 'hot seat' of taking rational decisions in his life!
And before that happens, sooner or later, he sure is greeted by his friends with this typical Bengali catcall...."Tottal 'lattu' hoye gachhe re!".......
And how i hated being that? :-d
Though S. i would never forget that Ashtami night. on Shyambazaar metro station platform. The clock close to striking twleve at night. For...
when two trains from opposite directions rush in, and you are most likely to board either of them, and it's then that you don't...
...that you just keep sitting in those chairs...keep waiting...you want the crisis to pass...the moment to pass...for the very next.../ counting the beat...and neither of you leaving the place.....
and you see the trains start moving out of platform just like they had entered...
...leaving the two of you alone...
...that moment...you are left 'speechless'....!
You look around you. find no one else. You look at the other. and you start searching for 'answers'. For a momentary lapse of reason!
But it's when you don't start searching for answers. You don't feel you had lost yourself the moment earlier, at all. you rather feel you are doing that now! :-)
That moment is one of a lifetime!
You decide between 'like' and 'love'!
etay ektu flaw khuje peyechi.
sure! sure! sure! :-)
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